



  这首诗歌的拉丁文名字是Via Dolorosa,音译为‘维亚·多勒罗沙’,语义是‘受苦路’。



  Down the Via Dolorosa走过维亚多勒罗沙,
   In Jerusalem that day在耶路撒冷的那天
   The soldiers tried to clear the narrow street兵丁试图清理狭窄的街道
   But the crowd pressed into see但百姓拥挤着要看
   The man condemned to die on Calvary那被判死刑到加略山的人

  He was bleeding from a beating他因鞭打不断流血,
   There were stripes upon His back背上布满了鞭痕,
   And He wore a crown of thorns upon His head他的头上戴着荆棘的冠冕.
   And He bore with every step他的每一步
   The scorn of those who cried out for His death都要承受来自他人的轻蔑.

  Down the Via Dolorosa走过维亚多勒罗沙,
   Called "the way of suffering"称做受难的道路
   Like a lamb came the Messiah Christ the King,基督君王他来像赎罪羔羊,
   But He chose to walk that road 但他选择走上这条路,
   out of His love for you and me因着爱,为你和我,
   Down the Via Dolorosa all the way to Calvary走过维亚多勒罗沙,一路到加略山.

  The blood that would cleanse他宝血洗净,
   The souls of all men所有的灵魂
   Made its way through the heart of Jerusalem使他甘心走过耶路撒冷.
   Down the Via Dolorosa走过维亚多勒罗沙,
   Called "the way of suffering"称做受难的道路,
   Like a lamb came the Messiah Christ the King基督君王他来像赎罪羔羊,
   But He chose to walk that road 但他选择走上这条路,
   out of His love for you and me因着爱,为你和我,
   Down the Via Dolorosa all the way to Calvary走过维亚多勒罗沙,一路到加略山.



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